More than just the teeth and gums

Recently BBC news (March 10th 2016) reported university researchers have found a link between gum disease the severity of dementia. It is though that the body’s response to gum inflammation hastens the brain’s decline by up to six times.

This is not the first time that gum disease has linked to other diseases. Heart disease is also a condition that has been linked to poor gum health.  Bacteria from the mouth can travel through the bloodstream which can then trigger inflammation throughout the body which then causes damage to blood vessels including those of the heart. The more bacteria that is present in the mouth  e.g. in gum disease the greater risk of bacteria travelling to your heart and leading to damage to the vessels.

Additional research also suggest that the more bacteria there is from gum disease the thicker the carotid arteries may become. This results in reduced flow a brain and that can cause a stroke.

The state of your teeth affects your overall health. Don’t risk it—treat the teeth and gums not just of your smile but for the rest of the body as well.  Good dental care at home as well as by your dentist reduce the bacteria in the mouth and help keep your mouth as well as the rest of you healthy.

At Redcliffe Dental we work to ensure your overall health is looked after, call us on (07) 3284 2244 for your next check up and clean to ensure your oral heath is not compromising the rest of your body!

We are located at 49-51 Redcliffe Parade, Redcliffe QLD 4020.

Aug, 01, 2017