Did you know—your facial skeleton keeps growing throughout life:

Have you noticed that your teeth have moved? Overlaps becoming more noticeable? Crowding where there was none before? Gaps where there isn’t used to be gaps?

Guess what? You’re not the only one. Tooth movement throughout life is not unusual and that could be caused by a few things:

  • Having teeth extracted so remaining teeth move or tilt
  • Gum disease where the teeth tilt/become loose due to loss of bone
  • Having extensive dental work done

None of these apply to you? And last but not least:

  • Normal changes in the facial skeleton

You don’t have the same face or size skull as when you’re a baby, teen or young adult. The facial skeleton changes throughout life with some areas expanding or growing (yes that’s right), some areas shrinking—it’s all normal.

So while it’s sad that we can’t stop time and keep the same facial skeleton (and everything that goes with it) that we had in our 20s , it also means that there’s opportunity for change. That’s why even orthodontics can work, even in your 40s, 50s and 60s.

If you’re concerned about gaps, crowding, tilting, loose teeth and want to see what can be done about correcting these or at least to stop them getting worse, come in and see us—every situation is different and we’d love to work with you to find a solution that fits.

Aug, 26, 2019