How Healthy Eating = Happy Teeth & Gums

We spend so much time focusing on what we eat. Whether it be watching our portion sizes, following a raw, paleo or sugar-free diet but isn’t it time to consider how we eat?

We often neglect to think of the very thing that enables us to eat healthy food; our mouth and teeth. Poor dental condition (for e.g. missing decayed teeth or painful teeth and mouth) have been directly linked with poor nutrition and lacking general health including increased risk and severity of heart disease and diabetes.

It makes sense when you think about it, the most nutritious foods are the least processed fresh fruit and veg. You need your teeth to be able to eat and chew these foods efficiently. When there is poor dental health or compromised chewing ability our food choices change & people tend to choose more processed foods or to cook foods for longer, robbing a lot of the valuable nutrients out of the food and everyday diet.

So, think about not just what you eat but how you eat.  Your dentist in Redcliffe can help you get your teeth on track so you can get your general health on track. Talk to us today. You can call us on (07) 3284 2244. We are located at 49-51 Redcliffe Parade, Redcliffe QLD 4020.

Aug, 01, 2017