When Would You Need Root Canal Therapy?

You might need root canal therapy if you have a badly infected tooth. A tooth can become infected if it has a cavity, if a filling is leaking or has crumbled away, or when a tooth has suffered some sort of trauma. This allows infection-causing bacteria to get into the tooth, penetrating the nerve tissue in the pulp, right in the centre of the tooth. The nerve tissue in the pulp extends into the root canals in your tooth roots.

Root canal therapy is a sophisticated procedure to remove the nerve tissue and bacteria from deep inside your tooth and the root canals. It’s an excellent treatment that can save a badly infected tooth. Afterwards your tooth should feel much more comfortable and can be fully restored, normally with a dental crown.

If you have a tooth infection, please make an appointment to come and see us as soon as you can. The sooner you have root canal therapy, the greater the chance of saving the tooth.

Feb, 05, 2018
