Redcliffe Dental

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What are Implant retained restorations?

These are the final stage in the implant process and this is when we will begin making your new teeth! This might be a beautiful crown, bridge or implant retained denture. Our dental laboratory will carefully construct your new teeth, making sure they look and feel natural. Our experienced technicians work closely with our dentists to ensure you get the most life-like and natural restorations.

How Long Will I Need to Wait for My Restorative Dental Implants?

The time required to make your teeth does depend on the materials used and the complexity of the case. For example, if you need a bridge or denture, we may try the framework in your mouth before beginning to cover it with porcelain, to check it’s accuracy. For single crowns, this may not be required so your treatment will be completed in fewer appointments.

Surgical Warning
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should obtain opinions and advice by an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Results and procedures required will vary from individual to individual.

What Will My Restorations Be Made From?

We use top quality materials and reputable laboratories. Crowns and bridges can have a metal substructure, which is then covered up with porcelain. Alternatively, all-ceramic restorations that are entirely white and produce the most aesthetic results can be suitable. Your dentist will discuss with you the most suitable option for your unique situation.

How Long Will My Restorative Dental Implants Last?

With proper professional dental care, including professional cleanings, and appropriate oral care at home, you can expect your new teeth to give you many years of use. All restorations need replacing eventually and we will closely monitor their condition at your regular check-ups with us here at Redcliffe Dental.